Sunday, July 17, 2011

Church of Christ - Issaquah, WA - July 17th, 2011

       After being away from faith communities for some time, it was great to see visit a faith again that captures what I believe are some of the best parts of religion, specifically Christianity. What are the things I found to be the themes of today's service: community, change and virtue (accountability to living virtuously as well).

    The Church of Christ in Issaquah is a small Church near the Issaquah Elementary School. The congregation is largely made up of families. I was treated with kindness and ran into two people who went to my high school, one of whom preached the sermon today. On a side note, these were the fourth and fifth persons I'd met from my high school that day. The congregation was close and this is where my first point comes in of community. During the announcements there was talk of the Home Meetings that happen every Sunday. All members of the congregation meet up at the designated houses to talk about the Bible and God. This reminded me of Mormon Home Teaching (where Elders (guys around eighteen or older) who come over and preach the church lesson of the day. This is also done by the parents for the children in the Mormon Church.

       The second thing that I see in religion at it's best in what it can is change. The change I'm referring to is personal change. In the sermon a personal was story told of going from selfishness to selflessness when God was accepted into their life. This was powerful as the person had been a major partier before hand and had found virtue through living for God.

     This in turn brings us to the sermon. The sermon was about Joseph. You know the prophet in the Bible with the twelve brothers who had an amazing technicolor dream coat (musical reference here). Well the story was about how Joseph stood on the path of rightesouness even after he'd been given the world (made leader of a house of noblemen (Potiphar) and he resisted the noblemen's wife and ran when she tried to seduce him when they were alone. She then claimed he tried to rape her and Joseph was throne into prison. The sermon focused on Joseph living with virtue when temptation was there and how the Devil and sin are like a lion who creep up on us and catch us off guard if we do not run from it and resist it. He used what Jesus said in that "If you sin with your eyes, poke them out. If you sin with your hand, chop it off. ect." It was a good sermon on life with virtue and how God can help with that.

      I've noticed with personal relationship to something seen as higher (Whatever interpretation of God, Guru, Buddha, ect.) That it can be an excellent tool transformation, growth and accountability. Whether any are actually as they are described...I do not know, and honestly would like too.

      As I write once more my exploration and journey continues as I explore the faiths and faith communities of this astonishing world.


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