Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Religous Corruption and the Gospel of Wealth - Reverand Peter Popoff

      This last week my girlfriend received a letter. The letter stated it was a "PROPHETIC REVELATION FOR:" for her, and that it was notice for:


      Everything was in all shown on the letter. It also claimed to be highly confidential and not to be read by anyone except the recipient...and for good reason. If the person's fears are successfully preyed upon as the letter seeks to do, you've got yourself set up for possible financial debt and the personality cult of Reverend Peter Popofff. 

    Ignoring the fact that her name was spelled wrong in the letter, what does the letter seek to accomplish? Why it's the "Prophetic" Reverend asking for money. Or as he puts it,

   "Yea, MY BLESSINGS ARE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE, but only those who walk in faith will enjoy them. DO NOT be the one who dreams of my best, but the VERY ONE I HAVE CHOSEN TO RECEIVE MY BEST...Increase, health, and blessings of my favor shall be poured upon those who walk in the spirit of obedience. I ask thee now to sow a seed of $20.00...OBEY ME!"

    "Only I have the POWER to put all your MONEY WORRIES BEHIND YOU and ONLY YOU HAVE THE FAITH IT TAKES TO MOVE ME. Sow and reap, GIVE and RECEIVE, SEEK and FIND...This is your moment, your season of change. Do not let this moment pass you by...OBEY ME and I SHALL HEAR YOUR PRAYERS AND GIVE QUICK AND MIGHTY ANSWERS," Saith the Lord.

     If you do this and burn the incense while saying a prayer that the Reverend claims came from God, then all your financial worries will be put away. You also need to sign the contract that is this letter and the money back to him. Basically so he can get more money from you and send you more crap. All you have to do is obey. The corruption and audacity. It was people like this guy who were a part of my complete rejection of religion. He's the most blatant and obvious of the corruption of money and power, and God as a way to achieve both, but he is not the only one.

    This is disgusting. How many strangers get pulled into this lie? Apparently a lot. Popoff was once of the biggest Televangelist preachers until the Amazing Randy, a skeptic magician revealed the hoax that his wife was reading off of prayer cards and that it wasn't God telling him what people had and who they were.

     Here is a great report on what Peter Popoff is doing now and about the incident where he was revealed to be a hoax.When it comes to him and other groups or people like him be alert. Beware those with charisma and follow up to see if they practice what they claim to preach. I would meet a religious group today who provided a nice opposite to the greed, pride and avarice of Popoff and they'll be my next post.


  1. I once responded to peter popoff and he gave me a free prayer slipper... Which was probably worth like 10 cents and stolen from a hospital. I was supposed to put it on, then put my foot on a bible and send him $20 dollars while praying for my dreams to come true. I didn't finish the ritual so I don't know if it would have worked :-(

  2. A bunch of my Threadbanger friends have subscribed to his letter, if only to get the silly stuff and waste his money (they never send anything in return).

  3. I just don't get the why use God?
    It's been done and I can see it a mile away!
    It saddens me really:(
