Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saint Martin's University Abbey - April 12th, 2011

     Today was an unexpectedly wonderful today. It began with me heading down to Saint Martin's University for the job the fair they had today with two of my friends I see as brothers. After I missed one of the buses, I stuck around and visited the Abbey with one of my friends who is a brother to me, and discussing religion and purpose.

   Saint Martin's University was originally founded by Benedictine Monks in 1895. Over time it became a school for young men, eventually a co-educational college and then a University. The College is named for Saint Marten of Tours who was a Roman Soldier who left (as far as the legend goes) after he had a vision that the beggar he had given his cloak to was Jesus Christ. He would later form Churches all over France and be made a Bishop.

     Saint Martin's University is a beautiful place. Even before my friend and I (another friend had headed back by this point) wandered around the University and made our way to the Abbey. Many of the buildings look like they are at least seventy years old and have the feel that I get when I'm in the Quad at the University of Washington...the architecture speaks of prestige and halls of learning. This is a bit beside the point, but these were details I noticed on the way to the Abbey.

    The Abbey is medium sized. It's entirely made of wood and has beautiful stain glass within. It's homely with a garden that the Monks tend, prayer books that belong to each monk, and the Chapel were there is enough seating to fit around one hundred students, and then a small area where the Eucharist is kept. It was over that I prayed...

    Peace. Peace is what I found as I prayed there (and what I've noticed usually find in most places of reverence to something greater then the self). I expressed anxieties and gratitude about the what is and the unknown of the future and found the peace of the now.

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