Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Return Home - South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society - Salt Lake City, UT - April 13th, 2014

         I have been away too long and one thing I realized is that in a way I never left. My values have always been aligned with Unitarian Universalism and I guess up to that point it I've really come to recognize that. This realization will be reflected throughout my visit today, which was where it first hit me that my values align and that it is from this Unitarian Universalist base that I explore other faiths.

     Why is this the case? A good question considering I think that the community can be more active beyond environmentalism...that at least my visit here, I wanted to see more helping of the poor and hungry like I found with the Catholics and Episcopals (reason I plan to get involved with Episcopal communities besides being welcomed and finding it a good place for reflection and action).

    The reason is values and I think it gets down to the base reason of why religions exist...they exist to wrestle with our mortality and reasons for being alive. This is seen in the seven principles which are:
1) The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
2) Justice, equality and compassion in human relations.
3) Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation.
4) A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
5) The use of the democratic process in decision making in the congregation.
6) The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.
7) Respect for the interdependent web of life we are a part of.
     All of these things were reflected in the service. The pastor recognized Palm Sunday being celebrated elsewhere and honored those doing it, as well as incorporating the story into the theme of "Releasing from Life: Lessons from Near Death Experiences," which was the sermon and it was reflected in the music of Crosby, Stills and Nash, Indigo Girls and the hymns.

      The service began with welcoming and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person in how all were welcome. An ex-Mormon lady who had greeted me at the front then shared her journey to the congregation. This I've found is almost universal in congregations and communities...stories of how the people arrived there and became a part of it.

     After a person in the community was recognized for making possible the church being run by solar panels. What churches do that? That is one thing I love about the Unitarians and the action in regards to trying to live in relation to everything on the earth rather than just taking or taking it for granted. 
       Next was the story for all ages, and after the children going to class. Than was the sermon on how the Saints found peace in facing death and how near death experiences change people. It was a good service and reminded me of how also, all religions and a lot of people are really looking for solace in whatever is they are doing and living. It was a powerful sermon. 

      The sermon ended with introductions, which at this point was where I put words to the feelings and reality of where the base of my search has come from this blog. From the Unitarian Universalist ethics and desire and search for truth and community with others.

    After I talked to some members of the congregation at went to the chapel where I honored those who are suffering. The chapel reminded me of my Mom's home where the symbols of people wrestling with their mortality...the symbols of religion covered the walls and were on altars with candles to illuminate silence. 

    For however long I am here in Utah, I look forward to making time to be active in the Unitarian Universalist, the Episcopal Community and continuing to visit other faiths and form connections as the journey continues. Today, was the metaphorical return home.

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