Monday, October 18, 2010

Saint James Cathedral (Seattle) - Taizé - October 15th 2010

      What is Taizé?  Taizé was created as an ecumenical Christian Order...meaning it was an order that is made up of Protestants and Catholics. It was created in France by Frère Roger who was feeling saw what France was going through after World War 2 and though it was struck by poverty and suffering but great inner freedom. This lead to his founding of the Ecumenical order of Taizé also called the Taizé Community.

    This Friday I would attend Taizé for the second time in my life. This time it would be with my girlfriend and our friend Kyle.  My experience of Taizé was me falling asleep. I was in early high school and chants...well, chants, heat and a crowded large room, and no intellectually stimulating discussion usually means I would shut down.

    I have changed a lot since then. I still enjoy the good sermons, and I will always be one for discussions. It's why I made discussions such a major part of the blog (I promise to post more)! What about silence though? Music without anyone telling you what to believe? It was around late sophomore year, to Junior of High School where I would discover how much these moments mean to me. It's in the silence we discover more about ourselves and the world. The music, scripture reading (which is done at Taizé) are the essence of discovery in silence and embracing the internal mystery of the self and the universe.

   Initially the service was disconcerting...I was expecting a sermon or a Mass since it was in a Cathedral. So arriving to music and discovering there was no Priest or sermon and that it was music, prayer and silence was a huge surprise. I soon discovered "The Body of Christ" and "The Faces of God" during the course of Taizé when I embraced the experience.

     As the three of us sung, behind me I could hear an old couple singing off tune. Around me were people from all over Seattle who each sung with a difference voice full of passion (if off key). The off key singing added so much more to the angelic singer whose melodic voice pierced the Cathedral and cut through to the soul.

    I didn't see anything fantastic like mythical beings...I saw people. At one point the figurine of a Byzantine style painted Jesus was brought down from the altar. People bowed and kissed the symbol. I felt awkward at first, but when I went up...I looked beyond the what it meant in that moment.

    "I tell you the truth. Anything you did for any of my people here, you also did for me."  in Matthew 25: 33-40

   What it meant for me as I looked at the painting was seeing Everyone's face that came to mind, Christian or No. I know it's not how the "Body of Christ" is traditionally seen. But, I figure if there is a Higher Power out there, It would be looking out for everyone, and therefore all would be a part of it. The people I know are virtuous overall (family, friends, Love), and I think that capacity can exist within everyone.  If there is something that is the essence of the Good and a part of humans out there, I hope it would recognize that too, and see Itself in all It's creations.

    Talking with my girlfriend and Kyle afterwords was amazing. I hope to attend another Taizé worship again in the future.


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